Pesticide Residues

Though use of organic products and personal care products has increased significantly over last few years, it is essential to ensure that these products are actually organic and have not been treated with pesticides during their production. The pesticides residues may remain on plants, crops or foods which may be a raw material or an ingredient in the manufacturing of the personal care products. Since these may be present in concentrated form, they may exhibit potentially adverse effects even in low concentration. Each country adopts their own regulations and standards for MRL (maximum residue limits) as the usage of pesticides varies from country to country.

VIMTA is a pioneer in India in pesticide residue testing and has over three decades of experience in this field. Our method library consists of more than 700+ pesticide standards to identify trace levels of these pesticides in all types of products. We employ modern technologies as triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS & LC-MS/MS) and other current analytical techniques for accurate, reliable and speedy results.

Groups of chemical residues analysed at VIMTA include:

  • Organochlorine pesticides
  • Organophosphorous pesticides
  • Synthetic pyrethroids
  • N-methyl carbamates
  • Chlorophenoxy herbicides
  • Dinitrophenolic herbicides
  • Quats and other herbicides
  • Insect repellents
  • Fungicides
  • Rodenticides
  • Fumigants
  • Disinfectants
