Pesticide residue refers to the chemicals that remain on food after they are applied to food crops. The use of pesticides has increased significantly over the past several decades as it increases yield of crops and makes them resistant to disease and pests. Overuse of pesticides leads to accumulation of harmful chemical residues in plant products which work their way through the food chain and become more concentrated as they move from one creature to another. These concentrated residues can have significant health impacts even in small amounts, and warrant the need for development of stringent regulatory standards and its compliance. Each country adopts their own regulations and standards for MRL (maximum residue limits) as the usage of pesticides varies from country to country and so do the level of food additives usage.
VIMTA is a pioneer in India for pesticide residue testing and has over three decades of experience in this field. Our method library consists of more than 700+ pesticide standards to identify trace levels of these pesticides in all types of products. We employ modern technologies such as triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS & LC-MS/MS) and other current analytical techniques for accurate, reliable and speedy results.
Groups of chemical residues analysed at VIMTA include: